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North Carolina Volunteers Work Toward Cleaner Well Water


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North Carolina Volunteers Work Toward Cleaner Well Water

The image shows a road leading to a river or stream that is currently experiencing flooding. The road is blocked off with a yellow and black striped barrier and a sign that reads
Road closure due to flooding. Volunteers helped NASA scientists predict where floods like these will contaminate well water.
Image credit: Kelsey Pieper

When the ground floods during a storm, floodwaters wash bacteria and other contaminants into private wells. But thanks to citizen scientists in North Carolina, we now know a bit more about how to deal with this problem. A new NASA-Funded study describes the contributions of these volunteers and how their work makes other disaster data more useful. 

After Hurricane Florence, the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services distributed sampling bottles to 754 private well users upon request.  They asked these volunteers to collect samples at their wellheads or outdoor taps. As expected, the rates of fecal contamination measured with help from the volunteers were almost 8 times higher than during routine conditions. 

The new study compares the water quality measurements made by volunteers to predictions from various kinds of flood boundary maps made using data from NASA’s Landsat, Sentinel, and MODIS satellites. Turns out, the flood boundary maps are pretty good predictors—under certain conditions. Now we know how to better use them for this purpose in the future, thanks to help from citizen scientists!

Contact your local health department and tell them you are interested in testing your own well water supply!



Last Updated
Jun 10, 2024

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      Escaping Hydrogen and “Heavy Hydrogen”
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      Download this image

      A Dynamic and Turbulent Martian Atmosphere
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      Mars was once a very wet planet. Scientists know that over the last 3 billion years, some of the water went underground, but what happened to the rest? Credit: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center; Lead Producer: Paul Morris; Mars Animations Producer: Dan Gallagher Serving as a Proxy
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      These results appear in the July 26 edition of Science Advances, published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
      About the Missions
      The Hubble Space Telescope has been operating for over three decades and continues to make ground-breaking discoveries that shape our fundamental understanding of the universe. Hubble is a project of international cooperation between NASA and ESA (European Space Agency). NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, manages the telescope and mission operations. Lockheed Martin Space, based in Denver, Colorado, also supports mission operations at Goddard. The Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) in Baltimore, Maryland, which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, conducts Hubble science operations for NASA.
      MAVEN’s principal investigator is based at the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP) at the University of Colorado Boulder. LASP is also responsible for managing science operations and public outreach and communications. NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, manages the MAVEN mission. Lockheed Martin Space built the spacecraft and is responsible for MAVEN mission operations at Goddard. NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California provides navigation and Deep Space Network support. The MAVEN team is preparing to celebrate the spacecraft’s 10th year at Mars in September 2024.
      Facebook logo @NASAHubble @NASAHubble Instagram logo @NASAHubble Media Contacts:
      Claire Andreoli
      NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD
      Ann Jenkins and Ray Villard
      Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, MD
      Science Contact:
      John T. Clarke
      Boston University, Boston, MA

      Last Updated Sep 05, 2024 Editor Andrea Gianopoulos Location NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Related Terms
      Astrophysics Astrophysics Division Goddard Space Flight Center Hubble Space Telescope Mars MAVEN (Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN) Missions Planetary Science Planets Science Mission Directorate The Solar System Keep Exploring Discover More Topics From Hubble and Maven
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      A mirror that was later installed inside the telescope for NASA’s Near-Earth Object Surveyor shows a reflection of principal optical engineer Brian Monacelli during an inspection of the mirror’s surface at the agency’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory on July 17.NASA/JPL-Caltech A technician operates articulating equipment to rotate NEO Surveyor’s aluminum optical bench — part of the spacecraft’s telescope — in a clean room at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California on July 17.NASA/JPL-Caltech The mirrors for NASA’s Near-Earth Object Surveyor space telescope are being installed and aligned, and work on other spacecraft components is accelerating.
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      Targeting launch in late 2027, the spacecraft will travel a million miles to a region of gravitational stability — called the L1 Lagrange point — between Earth and the Sun. From there, its large sunshade will block the glare and heat of sunlight, allowing the mission to discover and track near-Earth objects as they approach Earth from the direction of the Sun, which is difficult for other observatories to do. The space telescope also may reveal asteroids called Earth Trojans, which lead and trail our planet’s orbit and are difficult to see from the ground or from Earth orbit.
      NEO Surveyor relies on cutting-edge detectors that observe two bands of infrared light, which is invisible to the human eye. Near-Earth objects, no matter how dark, glow brightly in infrared as the Sun heats them. Because of this, the telescope will be able to find dark asteroids and comets, which don’t reflect much visible light. It also will measure those objects, a challenging task for visible-light telescopes that have a hard time distinguishing between small, highly reflective objects and large, dark ones.
      This artist’s concept depicts NASA’s NEO Surveyor in deep space. The black-paneled angular structure in the belly of the spacecraft is the instrument enclosure that is being built at JPL. The mission’s infrared telescope will be installed inside the enclosure.NASA/JPL-Caltech “NEO Surveyor is optimized to help us to do one specific thing: enable humanity to find the most hazardous asteroids and comets far enough in advance so we can do something about them,” said Amy Mainzer, principal investigator for NEO Surveyor and a professor at the University of California, Los Angeles. “We aim to build a spacecraft that can find, track, and characterize the objects with the greatest chance of hitting Earth. In the process, we will learn a lot about their origins and evolution.”
      Coming Into Focus
      The spacecraft’s only instrument is its telescope. About the size of a washer-and-dryer set, the telescope’s blocky aluminum body, called the optical bench, was built in a JPL clean room. Known as a three-mirror anastigmat telescope, it will rely on curved mirrors to focus light onto its infrared detectors in such a way that minimizes optical aberrations.
      “We have been carefully managing the fabrication of the spacecraft’s telescope mirrors, all of which were received in the JPL clean room by July,” said Brian Monacelli, principal optical engineer at JPL. “Its mirrors were shaped and polished from solid aluminum using a diamond-turning machine. Each exceeds the mission’s performance requirements.”
      Monacelli inspected the mirror surfaces for debris and damage, then JPL’s team of optomechanical technicians and engineers attached the mirrors to the telescope’s optical bench in August. Next, they will measure the telescope’s performance and align its mirrors.
      Complementing the mirror assembly are the telescope’s mercury-cadmium-telluride detectors, which are similar to the detectors used by NASA’s recently retired NEOWISE (short for Near-Earth Object Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer) mission. An advantage of these detectors is that they don’t necessarily require cryogenic coolers or cryogens to lower their operational temperatures in order to detect infrared wavelengths. Cryocoolers and cryogens can limit the lifespan of a spacecraft. NEO Surveyor will instead keep its cool by using its large sunshade to block sunlight from heating the telescope and by occupying an orbit beyond that of the Moon, minimizing heating from Earth.
      The telescope will eventually be installed inside the spacecraft’s instrument enclosure, which is being assembled in JPL’s historic High Bay 1 clean room where NASA missions such as Voyager, Cassini, and Perseverance were constructed. Fabricated from dark composite material that allows heat to escape, the enclosure will help keep the telescope cool and prevent its own heat from obscuring observations.
      Once it is completed in coming weeks, the enclosure will be tested to make sure it can withstand the rigors of space exploration. Then it will be mounted on the back of the sunshade and atop the electronic systems that will power and control the spacecraft.
      “The entire team has been working hard for a long time to get to this point, and we are excited to see the hardware coming together with contributions from our institutional and industrial collaborators from across the country,” said Tom Hoffman, NEO Surveyor’s project manager at JPL. “From the panels and cables for the instrument enclosure to the detectors and mirrors for the telescope — as well as components to build the spacecraft — hardware is being fabricated, delivered, and assembled to build this incredible observatory.”
      Assembly of NEO Surveyor can be viewed 24 hours a day, seven days a week, via JPL’s live cam.
      More About NEO Surveyor
      The NEO Surveyor mission marks a major step for NASA toward reaching its U.S. Congress-mandated goal to discover and characterize at least 90% of the near-Earth objects more than 460 feet (140 meters) across that come within 30 million miles (48 million kilometers) of our planet’s orbit. Objects of this size can cause significant regional damage, or worse, should they impact the Earth.
      The mission is tasked by NASA’s Planetary Science Division within the Science Mission Directorate; program oversight is provided by the Planetary Defense Coordination Office, which was established in 2016 to manage the agency’s ongoing efforts in planetary defense. NASA’s Planetary Missions Program Office at the agency’s Marshall Space Flight Center provides program management for NEO Surveyor.
      The project is being developed by JPL and is led by principal investigator Amy Mainzer at UCLA. Established aerospace and engineering companies have been contracted to build the spacecraft and its instrumentation, including BAE Systems, Space Dynamics Laboratory, and Teledyne. The Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics at the University of Colorado, Boulder will support operations, and IPAC-Caltech in Pasadena, California, is responsible for processing survey data and producing the mission’s data products. Caltech manages JPL for NASA.
      More information about NEO Surveyor is available at:
      News Media Contacts
      Ian J. O’Neill
      Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.
      Karen Fox / Alana Johnson
      NASA Headquarters, Washington
      202-358-1600 / 202-358-1501
      karen.c.fox@nasa.gov / alana.r.johnson@nasa.gov
      Last Updated Aug 28, 2024 Related Terms
      NEO Surveyor (Near-Earth Object Surveyor Space Telescope) Comets Jet Propulsion Laboratory Near-Earth Asteroid (NEA) Planetary Defense Planetary Defense Coordination Office Explore More
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      But an interest in flying goes beyond the professional for many at NASA. Meet a handful of NASA Glenn employees who have a personal connection to aviation, at work and beyond.

      Jared Berg
      “I think my flying and engineering work positively influence each other. Flying integrates a lot of technical disciplines and serves as a real-word application of things I know theoretically about aerodynamics or heat transfer.”
      jared berg
      Thermal Subsystem Manager for Gateway’s Power and Propulsion Element

      Left photo: Jared Berg flying above the clouds in the the NASAIRS Flying Club’s Cessna 172. Right photo: A view out the plane window.Credit: Jared Berg Planting the Seed: Berg grew up reading aviation books with his family and building model planes. Attending the EAA AirVenture airshow in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, throughout childhood inspired him to pursue flight training once he had a full-time NASA job.
      Joining the Club: Berg is currently a member of the NASAIRS Flying Club at NASA Glenn, which he says helps make flying more accessible and lets him constantly learn from other pilots.
      Flying High: Berg has now been flying recreationally for over a decade and considers it a part of his everyday life. “Flying allows an escape from the mundane and brings a sense of adventure to traveling,” Berg said. “You also get to experience nature, specifically weather but also the land you’re flying over, in a way that’s relatively raw and somehow personal.”

      Lindsay Kaldon
      "I love the feeling after takeoff and when you’ve reached cruising altitude. It’s as if all the stresses of life wash away when you’re up there in the sky. Being up in the clouds with all the beauty of the Earth below, it’s as if you’re in heaven.”
      Lindsay Kaldon
      Fission Surface Power Project Manager
      Left photo: Lindsay Kaldon after her first solo flight. Right photo: Kaldon celebrates passing her private pilot exam.Credit: Lindsay Kaldon Air Force and Astronauts: Kaldon’s father was an Air Force F-16 crew chief and a member of the Thunderbirds demonstration team, so Kaldon was no stranger to jets growing up. “Every day was an airshow living on the base that they trained out of,” Kaldon said. After earning a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering, Kaldon joined the Air Force herself with hopes of one day becoming an astronaut.
      Going Solo: Kaldon later earned her private pilot’s license and says she’ll always remember her first solo cross-country flight. She chose Kitty Hawk, the site of the Wright brothers’ first flight, as her destination.
      Keeping the Energy: A monument that stands along the runway at Kitty Hawk is inscribed with words Kaldon remembers whenever solving difficult challenges through her work at NASA. “It says, ‘Achieved by Dauntless Resolution and Unconquerable Faith.’ The Wright brothers were faced with a lot of doubters who didn’t think flight was possible. Yet they proved them wrong and never gave up,” Kaldon said. “I love that. When things get tough, I just close my eyes and think about that phrase.”
      Lori Manthey
      “I encourage anyone who has an interest in flying to take a discovery flight at your local airport. If you get bitten by the flying bug, it just may become a life-long obsession. Ask me how I know!”
      Lori Manthey
      Chief of Administrative Services and Exchange Operations Manager
      Left photo: Lori Manthey with a Grumman Cheetah plane. Right photo: Lori Manthey at the Grumman Cheetah controls.Credit: Lori Manthey Head in the Clouds: After a discovery flight in a small Cessna 150 plane, Manthey was hooked on flying. On weekends and evenings after beginning a full-time NASA job, she hopped in a Piper Tomahawk single-engine trainer at Lorain County Regional Airport to earn her private pilot certificate. “I love the feeling of floating in the air and seeing the world below,” she said.
      Women in Aero: Manthey is passionate about advancing and supporting female pilots and currently serves as membership chair of the Lake Erie chapter of the Ninety-Nines, an organization started by Amelia Earhart in 1929. She is also a member of the Cleveland chapter of Women in Aviation.
      Looking to the Future: Every year, Manthey participates in Girls in Aviation Day at Cleveland’s Burke Lakefront Airport to introduce girls to the world of aviation. “I think it is so important to help encourage young women and girls to become part of the next generation of female pilots,” she said.
      Back in the Cockpit: Manthey is currently working to earn her instrument rating, which will let her fly “blind” in cloudy and foggy weather conditions.

      Waldo J. Acosta

      “Flying gives me a thrill. The perspective you’re able to see of the world from up in the sky is a special feeling. Aircraft have the ability to take us all over the world so we can experience different cultures and meet different people, and that has shaped me into who I am today.”
      Waldo J. Acosta
      Icing Research Tunnel Lead Facility Engineer
      Left photo: Waldo J. Acosta, right, stands beside his father before taking him for a ride in a DA20 aircraft. Top right photo: A young Acosta and his father at the EAA AirVenture airshow in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Lower right photo: Acosta (center) works with colleagues Tadas Bartkus (left) and Emily Timko in the control room of NASA Glenn Research Center’s Icing Research Tunnel. Credit: Waldo J. Acosta, NASA/Jef Janis Family Ties: Throughout Acosta’s childhood, Acosta’s father, a former researcher at NASA Glenn, brought his family along on work trips to the EAA AirVenture airshow in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. “I fell in love with everything related to flying during those trips, and they set the tone early on my path to working in aviation,” Acosta said.
      Next Steps: Acosta started taking flying lessons while studying aerospace engineering at The Ohio State University, eventually receiving his private pilot’s license.
      Safety First: Overseeing testing and maintenance operations at NASA Glenn’s Icing Research Tunnel, Acosta is now directly involved in aviation safety research. The facility, the longest-running icing wind tunnel in the world, helps NASA and industry study how ice affects aircraft and test ice protection systems and tools.
      Flying Full Circle: Acosta still attends airshows every chance he can get and has taken both his father and wife soaring into the clouds.
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      Science in Space: August 2024
      Life on the International Space Station is quite different from life on the ground. Crew members experience multiple sunrises and sunsets each day, spend their time in a confined space, have packed schedules, and deal with microgravity.
      These and other conditions during spaceflight can negatively affect the performance and well-being of crew members. Many studies on the space station work to characterize and understand those effects and others try out new technologies and practices to help counter them.
      Light Up My Life
      A current investigation from ESA (European Space Agency), Circadian Light tests a new lighting system to help astronauts maintain a more normal daily or circadian rhythm. An LED panel automatically and gradually changes the light spectrum and varies from day to day to better mimic natural conditions on Earth. The study seeks insight into this system’s effect on circadian rhythm regulation, sleep, stress, and overall well-being of crew members. The findings also could reveal ways to improve lighting for shift workers and those in extreme or remote environments.
      Circadian Light experiment installed inside a crew cabinESA Daily Rhythms
      An earlier ESA investigation, Circadian Rhythms, examined how daily rhythms change during long-duration spaceflight and its non-24-hour cycles of light and dark. This understanding could support countermeasures to improve performance and health on future missions.
      A well-established way to determine circadian rhythms is by continuously recording core body temperature, but methods to do so can be invasive and inconvenient. For this investigation, researchers developed non-invasive skin sensor technology for measuring body core temperature over extended periods of time.
      CSA astronaut Chris Hadfield is wearing a forehead sensor for the Circadian Rhythms experiment.NASA Astronaut, Phone Home
      Missions to the Moon or Mars will experience delays in communications with Earth – as much as 30 minutes each way from Mars. The Comm Delay Assessment investigation looked at how such delays might affect crew members handling medical and other emergencies to help psychologists develop ways to manage the stress of completing these critical tasks without immediate advice from Earth. Results showed that the space station could provide a platform to test communications delay countermeasures. The research also confirmed that communication delays increased individual stress and frustration and reduced task efficiency and teamwork, and suggested that enhanced training, teamwork, and technology could mitigate or prevent these problems.
      This is Your Brain in Space
      NeuroMapping studied changes to brain structure and function, motor control, and multi-tasking abilities during spaceflight and measured how long it took crew members to recover after a mission. Results published from this work include a study that found no effect on spatial working memory from spaceflight but that did identify significant changes in brain connectivity. Another paper reported substantial increases in brain volume that increased with mission duration and with longer intervals between missions. The researchers suggest that intervals of less than 3 years between missions may not be sufficient for full recovery.
      NASA Astronaut Kate Rubins performs operations for the NeuroMapping investigation. NASA Dear Diary
      For the Journals investigation, crew members wrote daily entries that researchers analyzed to identify issues related to well-being. The study provided the first quantitative data for ranking the behavioral issues associated with spending lengthy time in space. Most journal entries dealt with ten categories: work, outside communications, adjustment, group interaction, recreation/leisure, equipment, events, organization/management, sleep, and food. The report provided insight into how these factors affect human performance and included recommendations to help crews prepare for spaceflight and to improve living and working in space.
      Don’t Throw Away This Shot
      Crew members on the space station take photographs of their home planet for Crew Earth Observations (CEO). These images record how humans and natural events change Earth over time and support a wealth of research on the ground, including studies of urban growth, natural systems such as coral reefs and icebergs, land use, and ocean events. Over time, researchers realized that taking these photographs also improves the mental well-being of crew members. Many of them spend much of their free time shooting from the station’s cupola.
      Almost like Being There
      ESA’s VR Mental Care tests the use of virtual reality (VR) technology to provide mental relaxation and better general mental health for astronauts during their missions. Participating crew members use a headset to view 360-degree, high-quality video and sound scenarios and fill out questionnaires about the experience. In addition to helping astronauts, this tool could be used to deal with psychological issues such as stress, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder on Earth.
      ESA astronaut Andreas Mogenson wears a VR headset.ESA
      Melissa Gaskill
      International Space Station Research Communications Team
      NASA’s Johnson Space Center
      Search this database of scientific experiments to learn more about those mentioned in this article.
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